
4th Showcase of Award-Winning FilmsImagem de seta 14 - 15, 21 - 22 ( Feb ) Culturgest

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2D animation image. The background is dark blue with lots of white dots. In the centre is a woman drawn with thin lines. We only see her torso. She has short black hair and wears large hoops in her ears. She has a cigarette in her mouth and her gaze is directed downwards. Her hands are large and we can see that one hand is lighting a lighter because her face is illuminated with an orange colour. The other hand protects the cigarette. The back of the hand is facing us.
Amanhã Não Dão Chuva

by Maria Trigo Teixeira

2024, Animation, Portugal, Germany, 11 min.

Spoken in Portuguese, Ages 14+

Audio description, Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) and descriptive subtitles in Portuguese

Honorable Mention at the National Competition, CINANIMA

Ícone Acessibilidade no Espaço Físico
Ícone Acessibilidade no Espaço Físico
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Feeling that her mother can no longer live alone, a woman returns to her childhood home. While she tries to adapt to the new situation, her mother seems to sink further and further into herself.

Sat. 22 ( Fev ) — Short Films Session 2

Other films on Sat. 22 ( Fev )